Product Description : while potentially harmful noises (above 85dB) are reduced via a proprietary design that incorporates the patented Hocks Noise Braker filter Until now, I've been using those foam ear plugs to shut out the sound while sleeping on long plane rides and when using power tools. I also used conventional ear-muffs on construction sites and weekends at the shooting range. I first saw the SureFire EarPro's on Magpul's handgun videos and thought, what's so different about these. After looking into them on SureFire's website, and finding out they weren't so expensive, I decided to give them a try. Before buying them, I put a ruler against my ear and took a picture of myself in the mirror. According to SureFire's fitting chart, I was a small. After receiving the EarPro's from the merchant, I tried them out for sleeping and on the range. They are comfortable in the ear for extended use... until you roll over on your ear on the pillow. Not recommended for sleeping in a real bed... maybe on the plane where you cannot rollover? On the range, they suppress sound well in "open" mode and I could still have a conversation with the range master. It was all good until high pressure ammo arrived. I shoot mostly 9mm, so I can still use the EarPro with the plug undone. But when .40 and .357 shooters started firing in the adjacent lanes, I had to close the plugs for the full NRR 24 effect. One thing to consider; the NRR 24 was probably measured at the tip of the plug, but human hearing is not only down the ear canal. A set of ear-muffs completely covering the outer ear and pressing against the side of the head would probably have better noise reduction capabilities even at the same NRR rating. I'd say, the EarPro would be enough on an open outdoor range, but indoors or under a roof, the echo from high pressure ammunition will shake your whole skull - not just your ear. I think the best solution would be wearing the EarPro "open" under electronic ear-muffs. Then you have great noise reduction but still can hear dialogue. If you understand frequencies and the dB scale, look at the breakdown of noise reduction levels over the frequency spectrum and see how these things work, it's nifty.If you aren't looking to deduce how these things get their job done, you can have faith that they will work. Its an odd feeling at first, being able to wear them around in open mode (stoppers out) and have most sounds be only slightly reduced, but then a sudden door slam or shout doesn't hit you as hard as it should. Fiddle with them when you're putting them in for the first time for a good while until you hear a noise reduction, but not a sealed off/muffly type of reduction -- that means they're in wrong and have sealed themselves.4/5 stars because the stoppers can swivel around and get in the way when you're putting them in. They should be removable. Used these recently while at an indoor firearms range. They are quite good and provide an acceptable level of protection on the range but not quite a comfortable level like headset style ear protection does. Don't get me wrong; I DEFINITELY recommend these! They just don't appear to be a replacement solution for typical ear protection. Having said that it's REALLY nice to have these in AND use traditional ear protection too. Makes it easy to take off those bulky ear covers and still be protected! I bought two pairs; one to keep in my EDC bag in case I have the need to fire out in the open and then a pair for the range. I'm very happy with the purchase but would warn that under some conditions with certain guns these won't allow you to shoot many times before the noise level becomes unpleasant (but, true to the specs, it WILL protect your hearing!).